This is an hosted sticker.
It is a remix of a
physical sticker
(complete doc here) made in 2013 by
Pierre Huyghebaert in the context of
initiated by Femke Snelting.
This version was crafted out of CSS and JS by Doriane in March 2023, 10 years later.
Since its first physical instance, this symbol has been used a lot through
OSP (Open source publishing) research, commissions and pedagogy practices
by its current and previous members.
As the discussions are slowly shifting: starting from F/loss software now it doesn't seem specific enough anymore;
This symbols became an invariant of interest, to which we continue to unfold its many meanings: both broader and more specific than F/LOSS culture.
As an hosted object the sticker can be duplicated from and from the other places in which it was sticked.
You can stick it on any webpage yourself by copy pasting this iframe. (it is transparent, and also acts as an hyperlink to its homepage)
<iframe src=""></iframe>
In February 2024,
Martin Lemaire made an
analogically animated remix.
In September 2024,
Manetta Berendt,
Simon Browne
& Doriane
intertwined the investigations of the symbol with the
creative crowd server.
under CC4R licence.
please stick, please appropriate meaning.